The most complete range of chopping-mixing wagons in the world, offering extreme dependability and high performance, and ensuring technological excellence in preparation of the Unifeed ration, enhancing all the advantages of this technique.
The extraordinary range of SAMURAI chopping-mixing wagons, unique in terms of choice of models, diversification and dependability, offers ideal machines that help millions of livestock farmers all over the world to simplify their daily work, increasing profitability and promoting development of their business.
The wagons are available with capacity from 5 to 30 m³ in trailed, stationary and self-propelled versions, to meet the varying requirements of an international market where livestock feeding aims to achieve the best results in terms of both production and animal health.
All-round safety and dependability are the distinguishing features of the TIGER series vertical chopping-mixing wagons which are unique due to their extraordinary loading capacity and excellent work quality.
These extremely robust and dependable machines are able to chop any fibrous product with extreme care and rapidity, guaranteeing perfect mixing without any alteration of the organoleptic characteristics of the feed.
Available with capacities from 9 to 45 m³ in trailed, stationary and self-propelled versions, they represent a value choice for any livestock farm.